Tuesday 22 February 2011


Welcome to Script Suicide. This is a blog written for people like me.

What do I mean by people like me? I mean people who love writing scripts, but hate trying to squeeze every fucking story idea into a thriller/comedy that might appeal to teenage boys. I mean people who try to write spec TV samples and end up writing 200 page epics set in Ancient Carthage instead. I mean people who've never had a real credit, but can't imagine writing a giant, $200 million script that they couldn't also direct. I mean people who spend more time trying to hone their writing skills than their pitching and networking skills. And I mean people who spend years writing scripts better than the ones they read, but feel like no-one will ever read it.

If you're one of those people - half a head-in-the-clouds dreamer, and half a stick-in-the-mud writer, then this might be the place to share a few laughs, a few commiserations, and perhaps share a little inspiration.

And if you're not one of those people, I wish you all the success in the real world - a place that seems to be the equivalent of a Swiss euthanasia clinic for creative hopes and dreams.

After the bounce I'll be talking about some recent things I've been thinking about.

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